Well working with a partner was yet diffecelt and easy at the same time. One definit benefit was that you did not have to do as much work as you would useually have to! That also made it a whole lot easier! Plus it also helped me with my team work skills because useually I don't normally work with other people that are not my friends! So I think it was a good experience for me to work with new people who had different learning abilities than me. Like Isaid we didn't have to do that much work which was a big plus for me! Sometimes I took it as an advantage! But I also found it good because we could both help each other with what we needed help with and what we didn't understand.
One of the down sides was that we needed to communicate with each other more often and also we had to work a bit harder to make sure that it was good. Because we were sharing our grades and it would no be fair to get there grade lower because you did not try your best. Another down side to this was that we had to make sure that the other people had done their work. So it made me come online more often to check on what Nick had done. Also we also got a bit worried if the other person did not finish there work or wasn't as good. Because we were both worried about our grades.
Well some understnadings I gained from the novel were diffinitely that Charlotte is very determined. Also in Nicks passage it made me learn a whole new side of Charlotte that she is a very sweet loving girl but yet very courageous at the same time. I think I learned that because Nick had brought up a whole new side in his passage that I did not see or ever think of. So I definitely think that this has helped me learn a whole new side of the book.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Literature Circles Reflection #1 Charlotte Doyle
Well from my title you know I have been reading the book True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. We also had to do a lit circle on it. In our lit circles we have a sheet that we have to complete. We also have a dead line when we have to be done with it and bring it into class. When we bring it into class finished and completed we are supposed to share with our group what we wrote. We have to have a disccusion on it and ask questions and share our ideas. So this is mainly what these paragraphs are going to be about.
The disscusion helped me understand the novel because we get to hear other peoples ideas on the book. Any parts I am confused on when other people share their ideas it helps me understand more because they put it into simpilar words and then I have a better time understanding. Also it makes me see some interesting parts that I had not even realized in the book and some very important parts too. Sometimes I miss some parts that are really important to the book and whenever it comes to the interesting parts I never really understand. Also some questions that I have had other people have had too so then we can see some of their answers and compare and find new answers that might just be the right one. It is also quite fun because some answers that we have are actually completly wrong and it is really funny because they are not even close. But it is alright because we all have great fun!
Some connections I have made during the discussion is that sometimes we have the same passage that we find interesting. It is really cool because it shows that our minds think alike. Another connection is that we sometimes have the same questions and it is cool because then you don't feel like you are the only one who doesn't understand and have a question. We sometimes have the same answers to question and ideas.
Some predictions I have are that Charlotte might have a longer journey than she expected. Also maybe she might not even make it to see her father in America she might be put into prison because she was accused of murder. I think this only because of the infomation on the back of the book. Also I think the knife Zacharia gave to her might just have something to do with the murder. Maybe he gave it to her for a reason. Maybe he is trying to get her accused of murder. Why else would he give her a knife? Well maybe that could be a question for my lit circles. But I definitely predict that something bad is going to happen to her. These were a couple of ideas I had for the book and the questions on Mr. T's blog.
The disscusion helped me understand the novel because we get to hear other peoples ideas on the book. Any parts I am confused on when other people share their ideas it helps me understand more because they put it into simpilar words and then I have a better time understanding. Also it makes me see some interesting parts that I had not even realized in the book and some very important parts too. Sometimes I miss some parts that are really important to the book and whenever it comes to the interesting parts I never really understand. Also some questions that I have had other people have had too so then we can see some of their answers and compare and find new answers that might just be the right one. It is also quite fun because some answers that we have are actually completly wrong and it is really funny because they are not even close. But it is alright because we all have great fun!
Some connections I have made during the discussion is that sometimes we have the same passage that we find interesting. It is really cool because it shows that our minds think alike. Another connection is that we sometimes have the same questions and it is cool because then you don't feel like you are the only one who doesn't understand and have a question. We sometimes have the same answers to question and ideas.
Some predictions I have are that Charlotte might have a longer journey than she expected. Also maybe she might not even make it to see her father in America she might be put into prison because she was accused of murder. I think this only because of the infomation on the back of the book. Also I think the knife Zacharia gave to her might just have something to do with the murder. Maybe he gave it to her for a reason. Maybe he is trying to get her accused of murder. Why else would he give her a knife? Well maybe that could be a question for my lit circles. But I definitely predict that something bad is going to happen to her. These were a couple of ideas I had for the book and the questions on Mr. T's blog.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Why is Papa New Guinea not as advanced as Australia and New Zealand?
Why is Papa New Guinea not as wealthy and as advanced as Australia and New Zealand? Is it because its a different country? Well that is kind of a dumb answer. Well here is what I think. I think that Papa New Guinea is not as advanced because not many people are there and there is not as much cargo as Australia and New Zealand. Also Australia has a large population same as New Zealand but Papa New Guinea not to much well not as much as Australia and New Zealand. These two countries and busy with people working and living there this means it will have more cargo because there are more people there to bring it there. But in Papa New Guinea there is not a large population so they will not have as much cargo and as much money to get such advanced things. Like for example here in Kuala Lumpur there are tons of people but in the Kampungs there are not as much people. So there is not that much money and they are far away from everyone else so since they don't have money they will not be able to get that type of transport to transport them to work.
So is this another reason? Is it because they are far away from everybody? That is another good inference that I can make. I think this is a good inference because. When we are far aways from where it is most populated people will lack on what is modern. Also when we went to Kuala Selangor it was no where near as modern as it is here in KL! The toilets are filled with ants the hostel was basically a room with a bed. But this brings us to another reason. Maybe because they might not have enough money. Where are they supposed to get the money from anyways? When they are so far away from modern areas? Maybe there is no money at all! Without money you cannot buy anything or get anything new.
I think we have found our point here. Because they are so far away from everybody the will lack of knowing what is happening in the world. They will have no money they will not be able to get any money because nobody will be able to send it to them. If they could send it to them then how would they be able to find out where they are. Because they don't have any technology. I think if people could help they would but they can't. I think these people have been forgotten about and people have not thought of them. People might not even know about them because they have no evidence that they are there. Other than food and stuff like that. Sure they are there, but people wouldn't know that because well they have not thought of them or ever seen them or know where they are. I think its because these people are far away and they do not have any money. Think of us. We are modern because we live in the city and have tons of money well not tons but we do have money. I think that is a good inference to this question!
These images are by: http://rspas.anu.edu.au/lmg/
So is this another reason? Is it because they are far away from everybody? That is another good inference that I can make. I think this is a good inference because. When we are far aways from where it is most populated people will lack on what is modern. Also when we went to Kuala Selangor it was no where near as modern as it is here in KL! The toilets are filled with ants the hostel was basically a room with a bed. But this brings us to another reason. Maybe because they might not have enough money. Where are they supposed to get the money from anyways? When they are so far away from modern areas? Maybe there is no money at all! Without money you cannot buy anything or get anything new.
I think we have found our point here. Because they are so far away from everybody the will lack of knowing what is happening in the world. They will have no money they will not be able to get any money because nobody will be able to send it to them. If they could send it to them then how would they be able to find out where they are. Because they don't have any technology. I think if people could help they would but they can't. I think these people have been forgotten about and people have not thought of them. People might not even know about them because they have no evidence that they are there. Other than food and stuff like that. Sure they are there, but people wouldn't know that because well they have not thought of them or ever seen them or know where they are. I think its because these people are far away and they do not have any money. Think of us. We are modern because we live in the city and have tons of money well not tons but we do have money. I think that is a good inference to this question!
These images are by: http://rspas.anu.edu.au/lmg/
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Daily Mud Skipper Report
Hello my fellow Mud Skippers! How are you today? This is again the Daily Mud Skipper News Report! We have been getting calls in from millions of Mud Skippers I mean from all over Malaysia! They have been having these strange humongous beings coming through their homes and crushing them! This is no joke I have witnessed this myself! One youngster said " They are like so big and I mean like so big!" Another Mud Skipper said " We were sitting down cleaning our selves when these huge beings come through! Why are they doing this to us?" Well that is a very good Question Why are they doing this to us?
There has been a big talk. On Why they are doing this to us? Somebody said that they saw them planting a sapling. Was this the reason or are they just coming in to destroy our homes for fun? Or are they trying to destroy our old homes and make new ones? Was this it? Was this why they are here? Thats what we don't know and our trying our best to find out. Just a day after this incedint some more strange beings came in this time we had a plan. We would run and try and stay as far away as possible but of course something bad happened. After all of our effort to try and escape, the beings stayed at the side and went no where near our homes. What a bummer that was.
That night when I went to bed I lay awake thinking. " All the beings who have came here have all planted sapling may be this is why they are here." I got up the next day and headed to work I was dying to tell my friends at work and to type it up so people can hear my ideas. Well this is it. I think that these people are coming to our habitat because they want to plant these saplings. They weren't trying to harm us they were only trying to make Mother Nature happy! Well no wonder I think this is the solution to the problem! They did not want to harm us they only wanted to plant the saplings. Well that did do the earth good but not us. Even the crabs were harmed and scared and that is very unusual.
Well once again this is the Daily Mud Skipper news. We would like to hear your story's and opinions on this situation. If you have any don't come to Sapling nine since it was destroyed come to sapling 21. Hope you have a great day and be careful you never know when those beings will strike again! This article was typed and written by Slimy Stuff. Once again thank you and keep safe!
There has been a big talk. On Why they are doing this to us? Somebody said that they saw them planting a sapling. Was this the reason or are they just coming in to destroy our homes for fun? Or are they trying to destroy our old homes and make new ones? Was this it? Was this why they are here? Thats what we don't know and our trying our best to find out. Just a day after this incedint some more strange beings came in this time we had a plan. We would run and try and stay as far away as possible but of course something bad happened. After all of our effort to try and escape, the beings stayed at the side and went no where near our homes. What a bummer that was.
That night when I went to bed I lay awake thinking. " All the beings who have came here have all planted sapling may be this is why they are here." I got up the next day and headed to work I was dying to tell my friends at work and to type it up so people can hear my ideas. Well this is it. I think that these people are coming to our habitat because they want to plant these saplings. They weren't trying to harm us they were only trying to make Mother Nature happy! Well no wonder I think this is the solution to the problem! They did not want to harm us they only wanted to plant the saplings. Well that did do the earth good but not us. Even the crabs were harmed and scared and that is very unusual.
Well once again this is the Daily Mud Skipper news. We would like to hear your story's and opinions on this situation. If you have any don't come to Sapling nine since it was destroyed come to sapling 21. Hope you have a great day and be careful you never know when those beings will strike again! This article was typed and written by Slimy Stuff. Once again thank you and keep safe!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Bullying is not just hurting somebody (Physically)
Many people in the world especially little kids think that bullying is punching somebody. But not really, bullying can be a lot of things like hurting somebody Physically or making somebody feel bad and many other things. I remember one time when I got bullied it wasn't that long ago. I remember hanging out with my 2 friends and we were having great fun until they just dissapeared I had no idea where they had gone so I was looking for them the whole lunch. Then just before class they appeared and I asked " Guys where were you?" they said "We just went to finish some homework" I was like "So you can forget about me and just go off somewhere while I sit here and mind your drink that you dont need?" This made me feel bad because I have done a lot for them and I was always there for them and then they suddenly end up leaving me out and forgetting about me. I felt really bad for doing all those things then they just go off and leave me out and they dont even tell me where thay are going or what they were doing. Then I just kind of ignored them and they seemed like the whole thing didn't happen and they barely even said sorry. I felt so sad and mad at the same time so we had a big fight and yes of course we forgave each other and moved on with our life. But it was really hard for me to forgive them because they made me feel so bad. I said to myself it is like a really deep cut it takes a long time to heal.
I think what I could have done would be to stick with them and maybe show a bit like I was being left out so that they would know. But they kind of dissapeared in this story. But I could have stuck by there side and followed them to wherever the were going. Then I could show a bit that they were leaving me out like kind of look sad and all. Maybe I could just say "Guys I feel like you are leaving me out can you please include me to what you are talking about." I think I could have done these things to help. I think if I had done some of these things then I would have not been in such a big fight that we were in. Also I think they would be more aware that they are leaving me out sometimes and to watch my emotions and to think a bit more about what you are doing with the other person and make sure you are not forgetting about the other.
One goal that I would make would be to make sure you are talking about appropraite topics. Appropriate as in you are not talking about something that can offend somebody else and make sure you are talking about something that is of course appropriate. If you talk about something behind peoples back that is unappropriate it can really hurt their feelings if they find out. This brings me to another point no gossiping it is fine if you are celebrity gossiping but not about somebody that could find out like your friends. Normally when they find out there can be a lot of trouble. Gossiping can also be very hurtful because gossiping starts rumors that aren't true. When the person finds out that people have been spreading rumors about them there can be a lot of trouble like fights, emotions and sometimes teachers can get involved. So gossiping can lead to some very bad things. Gossiping must also be appropriate you dont want a rumor about you that is not true and is inappropriate. Gossiping can be very hurtful to you and me!

I think what I could have done would be to stick with them and maybe show a bit like I was being left out so that they would know. But they kind of dissapeared in this story. But I could have stuck by there side and followed them to wherever the were going. Then I could show a bit that they were leaving me out like kind of look sad and all. Maybe I could just say "Guys I feel like you are leaving me out can you please include me to what you are talking about." I think I could have done these things to help. I think if I had done some of these things then I would have not been in such a big fight that we were in. Also I think they would be more aware that they are leaving me out sometimes and to watch my emotions and to think a bit more about what you are doing with the other person and make sure you are not forgetting about the other.
One goal that I would make would be to make sure you are talking about appropraite topics. Appropriate as in you are not talking about something that can offend somebody else and make sure you are talking about something that is of course appropriate. If you talk about something behind peoples back that is unappropriate it can really hurt their feelings if they find out. This brings me to another point no gossiping it is fine if you are celebrity gossiping but not about somebody that could find out like your friends. Normally when they find out there can be a lot of trouble. Gossiping can also be very hurtful because gossiping starts rumors that aren't true. When the person finds out that people have been spreading rumors about them there can be a lot of trouble like fights, emotions and sometimes teachers can get involved. So gossiping can lead to some very bad things. Gossiping must also be appropriate you dont want a rumor about you that is not true and is inappropriate. Gossiping can be very hurtful to you and me!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The time I showed courage!
One time that I showed courage was when I stood up on stage and sang out in-front of all the 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls who auditioned for Throughly Modern Millie. I remember one of my friends saying that I was just so scared and I was a scaredy cat. I felt so bad about her saying that, that I decided to go up and sing. So I got in line with all my other friends and waited for my turn to sing. I remember feeling so scared that my legs were shaking! I had never sang in-front of anybody before! I was even scared to sing in-front of my family! I had no idea how I was going to do this!
I stood in line waiting and waiting the nerve only getting bigger when I saw somebody else leave the line. Then I heard my friend sing she was also really nervous like me! Then it came to my turn I walked up and waited for the music to play. When the music started I was extra nervous. Then when i started to sing I felt like i was embarrassing myself in-front of the whole school! My voice sounded terrible. I messed up a whole part. But when I got off the stage I felt so much better! I couldn't believe I just did that I could not wait to go home and tell my parents.
I was waiting in the seats for my photo to be taken when my friends came down to meet me. We were all discussing how nervous we were and how terrible we all sounded. But we were all glad we did it. Especially me I felt like now I have sung in-front of all theses people I could definitely sing in front of that amount again! Now that I know that I have done that I know that I will definitely try again! I might have sounded terrible but that didn't matter to me now because I knew that I had the courage to stand up there and sing!
I stood in line waiting and waiting the nerve only getting bigger when I saw somebody else leave the line. Then I heard my friend sing she was also really nervous like me! Then it came to my turn I walked up and waited for the music to play. When the music started I was extra nervous. Then when i started to sing I felt like i was embarrassing myself in-front of the whole school! My voice sounded terrible. I messed up a whole part. But when I got off the stage I felt so much better! I couldn't believe I just did that I could not wait to go home and tell my parents.
I was waiting in the seats for my photo to be taken when my friends came down to meet me. We were all discussing how nervous we were and how terrible we all sounded. But we were all glad we did it. Especially me I felt like now I have sung in-front of all theses people I could definitely sing in front of that amount again! Now that I know that I have done that I know that I will definitely try again! I might have sounded terrible but that didn't matter to me now because I knew that I had the courage to stand up there and sing!
Monday, August 30, 2010
How can understanding the past, help us to understand our world?
1.How can understanding the past, help us to understand our world?
Well if we understand the past like how things were made and what they are used for, it will help us know more about why we use them today and how they were made and where they come from! We will understand why early humans made them and how it has helped us in the world! Maybe we are not using them correctly.
Also we could find out interesting things like what climate there was back then how it has changed and why. Maybe that change could happen to us! We could also understand the different land forms there were back then. How that has changed our world. Maybe there was different animals back then that they used or hunt down. They might be extinct now. We might never have known about them or maybe they are still here and their body's might have changed. Just like horses! Understanding the past can help us a lot during the future!
Well if we understand the past like how things were made and what they are used for, it will help us know more about why we use them today and how they were made and where they come from! We will understand why early humans made them and how it has helped us in the world! Maybe we are not using them correctly.
Also we could find out interesting things like what climate there was back then how it has changed and why. Maybe that change could happen to us! We could also understand the different land forms there were back then. How that has changed our world. Maybe there was different animals back then that they used or hunt down. They might be extinct now. We might never have known about them or maybe they are still here and their body's might have changed. Just like horses! Understanding the past can help us a lot during the future!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
What Social Scientist Would I be?
If I were a social scientist then I would be and Archeologist! Because being able to see things from 10 million years ago or even more is very interesting to me! I would love to find out what they were using as tools way back then. I would also love to find objects myself! It is a really interesting job because you can find out so much of what happened in the past! Being an Archeologist is a really tough and serious job and that is the kind of job I like! So I would definitely choose to be an Archeologist!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Hi my name is Caoimhe O'Reilly! I am from Ireland and love horses! I do horse riding whenever I can! I have two dogs, one cat and tons of fish! I love having blogger it is so much fun you get to do so much! You can personalize your account and everything! I am doing this blog post for homework so that it is done and over with and that I don't get bad marks for not doing my homework! I saw this from and example so I am going to do it because I think it is awesome! Here are some words that describe me! I am Caring, Shy, Loving and Sweet! As you can tell I am a very soft shy person! Hope you liked my blog post!
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