Sunday, November 7, 2010

Literature Circles Reflection #1 Charlotte Doyle

Well from my title you know I have been reading the book True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. We also had to do a lit circle on it. In our lit circles we have a sheet that we have to complete. We also have a dead line when we have to be done with it and bring it into class. When we bring it into class finished and completed we are supposed to share with our group what we wrote. We have to have a disccusion on it and ask questions and share our ideas. So this is mainly what these paragraphs are going to be about.

     The disscusion helped me understand the novel because we get to hear other peoples ideas on the book. Any parts I am confused on when other people share their ideas it helps me understand more because they put it into simpilar words and then I have a better time understanding. Also it makes me see some interesting parts that I had not even realized in the book and some very important parts too. Sometimes I miss some parts that are really important to the book and whenever it comes to the interesting parts I never really understand. Also some questions that I have had other people have had too so then we can see some of their answers and compare and find new answers that might just be the right one. It is also quite fun because some answers that we have are actually completly wrong and it is really funny because they are not even close. But it is alright because we all have great fun!

   Some connections I have made during the discussion is that sometimes we have the same passage that we find interesting. It is really cool because it shows that our minds think alike. Another connection is that we sometimes have the same questions and it is cool because then you don't feel like you are the only one who doesn't understand and have a question. We sometimes have the same answers to question and ideas.

   Some predictions I have are that Charlotte might have a longer journey than she expected. Also maybe she might not even make it to see her father in America she might be put into prison because she was accused of murder. I think this only because of the infomation on the back of the book. Also I  think the knife Zacharia gave to her might just have something to do with the murder. Maybe he gave it to her for a reason. Maybe he is trying to get her accused of murder. Why else would he give her a knife? Well maybe that could be a question for my lit circles. But I definitely predict that something bad is going to happen to her. These were a couple of ideas I had for the book and the questions on Mr. T's blog.


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