Thursday, November 18, 2010

Working with a Partner

Well working with a partner was yet diffecelt and easy at the same time. One definit benefit was that you did not have to do as much work as you would useually have to! That also made it a whole lot easier! Plus it also helped me with my team work skills because useually I don't normally work with other people that are not my friends! So I think it was a good experience for me to work with new people who had different learning abilities than me. Like Isaid we didn't have to do that much work which was a big plus for me! Sometimes I took it as an advantage! But I also found it good because we could both help each other with what we needed help with and what we didn't understand.

   One of the down sides was that we needed to communicate with each other more often and also we had to work a bit harder to make sure that it was good. Because we were sharing our grades and it would no be fair to get there grade lower because you did not try your best. Another down side to this was that we had to make sure that the other people had done their work. So it made me come online more often to check on what Nick had done. Also we also got a bit worried if the other person did not finish there work or wasn't as good. Because we were both worried about our grades.

   Well some understnadings I gained from the novel were diffinitely that Charlotte is very determined. Also in Nicks passage it made me learn a whole new side of Charlotte that she is a very sweet loving girl but yet very courageous at the same time. I think I learned that because Nick had brought up a whole new side in his passage that I did not see or ever think of. So I definitely think that this has helped me learn a whole new side of the book.

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