Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why is Papa New Guinea not as advanced as Australia and New Zealand?

Why is Papa New Guinea not as wealthy and as advanced as Australia and New Zealand? Is it because its a different country? Well that is kind of a dumb answer. Well here is what I think. I think that Papa New Guinea is not as advanced because not many people are there and there is not as much cargo as Australia and New Zealand. Also Australia has a large population same as New Zealand but Papa New Guinea not to much well not as much as Australia and New Zealand. These two countries and busy with people working and living there this means it will have more cargo because there are more people there to bring it there. But in Papa New Guinea there is not a large population so they will not have as much cargo and as much money to get such advanced things. Like for example here in Kuala Lumpur there are tons of people but in the Kampungs there are not as much people. So there is not that much money and they are far away from everyone else so since they don't have money they will not be able to get that type of transport to transport them to work.

  So is this another reason? Is it because they are far away from everybody? That is another good inference that I can make. I think this is a good inference because. When we are far aways from where it is most populated people will lack on what is modern. Also when we went to Kuala Selangor  it was no where near as modern as it is here in KL! The toilets are filled with ants the hostel was basically a room with a bed. But this brings us to another reason. Maybe because they might not have enough money. Where are they supposed to get the money from anyways? When they are so far away from modern areas? Maybe there is no money at all! Without money you cannot buy anything or get anything new.

  I think we have found our point here. Because they are so far away from everybody the will lack of knowing what is happening in the world. They will have no money they will not be able to get any money because nobody will be able to send it to them. If they could send it to them then how would they be able to find out where they are. Because they don't have any technology. I think if people could help they would but they can't. I think these people have been forgotten about and people have not thought of them. People might not even know about them because they have no evidence that they are there. Other than food and stuff like that. Sure they are there, but people wouldn't know that because well they have not thought of them or ever seen them or know where they are. I think its because these people are far away and they do not have any money. Think of us. We are modern because we live in the city and have tons of money well not tons but we do have money. I think that is a good inference to this question!

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