Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Belfast Presentation

1) What you believe you did well on the project?

I think that I did quite well with my eye - contact because I didn't just look in one area the whole time I would look at people and not just one person. I would look around the room at different people. Also if I needed a little help I would look at my script or up at my presentation but not for a long time only if I had totally forgotten where I was. But other than that I would look at everyone to make sure that they got attention from me. I also think that I did quite well on my information. Well I wasn't here so i'm not quite sure if I had the correct information needed but I did have some quite good information. I think that I did quite a good job finding it on all of the different sites and putting them down. I made sure that I didn't put down information that was not needed because that would just have been a waste. On every page I made sure that I had a bullet point with information just in a short sentence and when I was explaining it I would give a little more detail than what I had written down. Those are the two things that I personally think that I did well at but i'm not sure if everyone else appreciated it.

2) What you would improve for future presentations/projects?

I think that I could have been a little more prepared because on one of the slides I had no images at all. These images were indeed needed and there where none on it. This slide gave information about the Titanic and where it was built. I think that if I had a picture it would have helped the audience see where the location was and how close to the sea Belfast was. Also I was acting a bit silly but I do that when I am nervous but next time I think that I should act a bit more serious about what I am talking about. Because I can distract people sometimes. I do this when I am nervous to tell myself that I am ok talking in-front of the class but next time I definitely think that I should be more prepared and focused.

3) What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?

Well I noticed that most slides had an image on at least every page I did not. Also they talked really loud and where more serious than I was. They would just stand up there and talk about their topic wheres I would stand up there and say things that were not needed such as " Well I don't think I did this correctly." I think that was not needed and should have just got on with my presentation like the rest of them did. I also noticed that many of them had fancy features and pictures in which I did not. I think it would have been nice for me to have decorated my slide a bit. I also think that it would have been nicer for the audience to see it decorated.

4) What is your analysis of your performance?

I think that I did ok in my performance. It wasn't the best I have done in my life but I think it didn't go bad. I think that I could definitely have done better but for next time there is always room for improvement. I think that my eye contact was definitely one of my strong points in the presentation and then my presentation on the slides was my low bit. I think that when I spoke my voice wasn't loud and wasn't too soft it was loud enough to be heard so I do think that people could hear me ok. But yes I definitely think that this was not one of my strong presentations and I think that I definitely could have done much better but like I said there is always a next time and from learning from this presentation I definitely have to do better in my next one :)


1 comment:

  1. On your blog post reflection on you city connection I thought that you answered in good detail and your sentence are nice and long. When you answered, for example the second question you were staying on the subject and you had good grammar well maybe there were one or two small mistakes. In all I enjoyed reading your writing.
