Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Malcolm X was an African American that fought for the rights of Black people in the United States of America. Malcolm X was assassinated in New York in 1965, after he tried influencing the culture of Islam, and gaining rights for African Americans. I believe that people are assassinated out of jealousy, and out of believing what they feel is right. I don't feel that assassinations are ever justifiable, as killing someone is never the right thing to do and usually there are other ways out. But when someone is so powerful and has so much affection from the public, for example Caesar, it can be the only option and the only way out. Malcolm X and Caesar are both very different in what they were fighting for, Malcolm X was fighting for other people's rights, and Caesar was fighting for himself and gaining power. Looking at this I feel that Caesar had more of a reason to be assassinated than Malcolm X did, as Malcolm X had a reason to fight for and Caesar wasn't fighting for anything but for power himself.

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