Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Treaty of Versaille Fair of Unfair?

‘I am convinced that if this peace is not made on the highest principles of justice, it will be swept away by the peoples of the world in less than a generation.’ Woodrow Wilson

The Treaty of Versaille was established in 1918 by President Woodrow Wilson. His goal was to make the world forever at peace and to stop all the war going on between the Germans and the other countries. But and interesting question came up. But was the Treaty of Versaille fair of unfair?

I believe that the Treaty of Versaille was fair. There were only 14 rules but they would be a lot to ask for for a country to do. The country's would really have to work at making peace. If all the countries decided to follow the Treaty of Versaille they world would be a much better place. Yet they didn't. That is another interesting question, Why would some of the countries dissagree to this? Wouldn't most countries and their leaders want a more peaceful place for their people to live in? I think that it was completely fair to everyone, because who wouldn't want the world to be a better place? But there were 14 points, there are only 14 but that is quite hard to follow when you have to make a whole country follow them as well.

President Woodrow I think would really need to think this over because this is a lot to ask from many countries especially Germany at that time. So of course there are going to be many countries that are going to completely disagree because it a lot to ask from them. But coming back to the question. The Treaty of Versaille was fair but hard to follow for some countries and I think that is the reason why some of them didn't sign it.

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