Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bullying is not just hurting somebody (Physically)

Many people in the world especially little kids think that bullying is punching somebody. But not really, bullying can be a lot of things like hurting somebody Physically or making somebody feel bad and many other things. I remember one time when I got bullied it wasn't that long ago. I remember hanging out with my 2 friends and we were having great fun until they just dissapeared I had no  idea where they had gone so I was looking for them the whole lunch. Then just before class they appeared and I asked " Guys where were you?" they said "We just went to finish some homework" I was like "So you can forget about me and just go off somewhere while I sit here and mind your drink that you dont need?" This made me feel bad because I have done a lot for them and I was always there for them and then they suddenly end up leaving me out and forgetting about me. I felt really bad for doing all those things then they just go off and leave me out and they dont even tell me where thay are going or what they were doing. Then I just kind of ignored them and they seemed like the whole thing didn't happen and they barely even said sorry. I felt so sad and mad at the same time so we had a big fight and yes of course we forgave each other and moved on with our life. But it was really hard for me to forgive them because they made me feel so bad. I said to myself it is like a really deep cut it takes a long time to heal.

   I think what I could have done would be to stick with them and maybe show a bit like I was being left out so that they would know. But they kind of dissapeared in this story. But I could have stuck by there side and followed them to wherever the were going. Then I could show a bit that they were leaving me out like kind of look sad and all. Maybe I could just say "Guys I feel like you are leaving me out can you please include me to what you are talking about." I think I could have done these things to help. I think if I had done some of these things then I would have not been in such a big fight that we were in. Also I think they would be more aware that they are leaving me out sometimes and to watch my emotions and to think a bit more about what you are doing with the other person and make sure you are not forgetting about the other.

One goal that I would make would be to make sure you are talking about appropraite topics. Appropriate as in you are not talking about something that can offend somebody else and make sure you are talking about something that is of course appropriate. If you talk about something behind peoples back that is unappropriate it can really hurt their feelings if they find out. This brings me to another point no gossiping it is fine if you are celebrity gossiping but not about somebody that could find out like your friends. Normally when they find out there can be a lot of trouble. Gossiping can also be very hurtful because gossiping starts rumors that aren't true. When the person finds out that people have been spreading rumors about them there can be a lot of trouble like fights, emotions and sometimes teachers can get involved. So gossiping can lead to some very bad things. Gossiping must also be appropriate you dont want a rumor about you that is not true and is inappropriate. Gossiping can be very hurtful to you and me!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The time I showed courage!

One time that I showed courage was when I stood up on stage and sang out in-front of all the 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls who auditioned for Throughly Modern Millie. I remember one of my friends saying that I was just so scared and I was a scaredy cat. I felt so bad about her saying that, that I decided to go up and sing. So I got in line with all my other friends and waited for my turn to sing. I remember feeling so scared that my legs were shaking! I had never sang in-front of anybody before! I was even scared to sing in-front of my family! I had no idea how I was going to do this!

I stood in line waiting and waiting the nerve only getting bigger when I saw somebody else leave the line. Then I heard my friend sing she was also really nervous like me! Then it came to my turn I walked up and waited for the music to play. When the music started I was extra nervous. Then when i started to sing I felt like i was embarrassing myself in-front of the whole school! My voice sounded terrible. I messed up a whole part. But when I got off the stage I felt so much better! I couldn't believe I just did that I could not wait to go home and tell my parents.

I was waiting in the seats for my photo to be taken when my friends came down to meet me. We were all discussing how nervous we were and how terrible we all sounded. But we were all glad we did it. Especially me I felt like now I have sung in-front of all theses people I could definitely sing in front of that amount again! Now that I know that I have done that I know that I will definitely try again! I might have sounded terrible but that didn't matter to me now because I knew that I had the courage to stand up there and sing!