Thursday, March 21, 2013

Making the Invisible Visible

The issue that we are addressing is police corruption, which is quite a challenging subject to study because everything is kept so secretive. Police Corruption is a major issue in Malaysia because it happens so often, and there are very few police that we can actually trust.  This issue is very important because the police are supposed to be someone that we turn to when we are having any trouble or anything bad or threatening happens to us. We need someone to help us, and not someone who is just going to make it worse. Some surprises that I have encountered in my research is what the police actually do and what actually makes the police corrupt. Policemen have been doing things like extortion, cheating, drug offence, and rape. This is just so shocking because if I didn't know anything and I heard someone was doing that, then I would expect them to be a criminal and the police should help, not for them to actually be police themselves!

 Learning about this issue makes me feel many emotions actually, shocked, scared, angry, I don't really know how to feel. I'm scared because police are meant to be people that you turn to when you are in trouble, and people that you can fully trust to keep you safe. Who are you then supposed to go if the police are committing crimes? That's what really confuses me. I just get really angry because working for the police force is such and honorable job, you are protecting your country and the people. That is your job. Also how they call themselves 'police' and that they work for the 'police force' really annoys me because I personally don't feel they should have the right to call themselves something that has a job to protect people from crime when you are actually committing crime yourself.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

How to Deal with a Dictator

Dealing with a dictator in most cases, is difficult and challenging as dictators have so much power and strength over a country. The way that the dictator is leading the country can be quite dangerous sometimes, as people don’t have freedom of speech, people live in fear and the dictator shows full control over all citizens. Obviously that’s not what’s best for a country, so there needs to be some ways to bring this dictator down. 

As a person living in the inside they could possibly try to start a riot or rebellion, getting most citizens to turn against him/her and bring their power away. The could also attempt to get the army to turn against him/her, even though this might seem difficult and impossible, it’s always worth a try. 

As someone living on the outside of the country, personally I feel the best way to take down the country suffering severe dictatorship would be for countries to come together and combine forces to try and gain a stronger force than the other. This will give them the advantage of being able to physically remove the dictator from power, as there is no chance for him/her to be able to fight against such a strong force. Dealing with a dictator is not an easy job, and there are very few options that will actually work. But once you have a stronger force than the dictator does, you have a higher chance of bringing them down.