Sunday, February 19, 2012

Germans, Jews, and Propaganda.

This picture "Der Bannerträger" was painted by Austrian-born artist Hubert Lanzinger (1880-1950) in 1935. This painting shows Hitler gazing into a better future for Germany. Der Bannerträger was first displayed in the Great German Art Exhibition in Munich 1937. This image was turned into a postcard by Heinrich Hoffman ( Hitler's official photographer) in 1938.

In this image I see Hitler on a black horse, looking ahead strong and proud into Germany's future. Hitler is sitting on the horse proudly holding the German flag, while wearing a knight in shining armor suit. Hitler is looking into a better future for Ger
many and that of course means killing the Jews, and making Germany only for Germans. But of course that is the way Hitler see's Germany in a positive way. This image was made into a postcard, so basically people can choose to by a postcard of Hitler. Hitler is trying to make himself as popular and as famous in Germany as possible because he wants to make Germany under his control.

In this image Hitler is looking proud and ready to work. He is holding the Nazi flag, and is on a black horse. Normally when someone is the leader of a parade, or of an army, you will see them on a horse holding a flag, or a sword, or something like that. In this image Hitler seems to be on a horse, holding the Nazi flag, as if he is leading the Nazi's into a brighter and happier future.

Der Stürmer was the most famed newspaper in Germany. It published tons of Anti-Jewish images, and articles by Philipp Rupprecht known well as Fips. The image on the front cover of Der Stürmer shows the "Jew" as a warmonger who looks at the non-Jewish world supportingly as it is crucified on a cross marked "war" (Krieg).

In this image I see a German on the cross, supposedly being crusified, while a Jew is looking at him and smiling. This was written by a German so of course this might be a bit mis-leading. In this image I see hatred between the 2 races. I think that Philipp Rupprecht put this on the cover page because he wants Germans and German families to see how terrible the Jew's are and how they mistreat the Germans. He wants Germans to think that the Jew's are terrible people and to hate the Jew's is the correct feeling to have against them.

In this image the German is looking really sad while the Jew is looking back at him in a selfish type of way. If I was a German and I saw this image I would be quite angry because the Jew's would be killing us. So of course this is putting a bad look on the Jew's to the Germans. Because of course all of Germany wants to be safe and not killed. This image is definitely going to get Germans to start hating Jew's because it is showing the Jewish Race killing the Germans and over powering them.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is it right to risk bringing such danger on one's relatives and friends by challenging the forces of law and order?

Is it right to risk bringing such danger on one's relatives and friends by challenging the forces of law and order?
I believe that it is both right, and both wrong to risk danger against on relatives and friends by challenging the forces of law and order. This is a difficult question because there are so many different answers to this questions for both the question being right and wrong. Why I believe that this question is right is because the forces of law and order are very harsh, when you are messing with them, your basically playing with a ball of fire. They control the country and how everything is supposed to go. In the case of "Boy in Striped Pajamas" the Nazi's want the family to go and work at Aushuitz. The Nazi's are very powerful people and you never know if you don't follow their rules and how they want things to go, what might happen to you. So I believe that he was doing what was right for his family in a way, he didn't want the forces to get a hold of him.

The reason why I believe that this is the wrong idea is because, well, the mother in the book was completely correct. This was no place for young kids to grow up. To think that your kids should grow up near a concentration camp is just horrible. Just to think that there are people being tortured, and people are dying there everyday is just really disturbing and to bring your family there is just a horrible thing to do, and I myself would never do, because I would never want my family, or my children to grow up in those surroundings. I believe that this is a dangerous situation, because like exactly what happened in the book, Bruno and most young boy's are adventurous and love playing around and discovering new things. To think that your child would just sit around the house all day for about a year is ridiculous and it's very dangerous because some day he is just going to want to break free, and will go out and explore. It's dangerous to think that if your child explores he might possibly run into the concentration camp and, will want to go in and see what is going on in there. In the book this is exactly what happened, and if the father had thought of the family, and the kids a bit more before he moved there he might not be in that situation.